Local Offer
What needs does your service or activity aim to meet for children and young people with SEND and their families?
We support only children and young people (and their families) who have SEND and who are under assessment for an EHC Plan or already have either an EHC Plan or a Statement of SEN.
What outcomes does your service or activity aim to achieve for children and young people with SEND and their families?
Our aim is to support children and young people with complex and long-term SEN to access their education and achieve their full potential.
How can children and young people with SEND and their families start to use your service or activity?
If the child or young person, their family and professionals who support them within their educational setting feel it is necessary to seek an EHC Needs Assessment a request should be made to the SEN Team. This should be accompanied by evidence of the SEN and support that has been provided to date and its effectiveness. It is usually expected for all available mainstream resources to have been appropriately deployed before a request would be made.
How is your service or activity fully accessible to children, young people with SEND and their families, for example, facilities, support from staff?
Information is available on the Local Offer website.
How do you communicate with children, young people with SEND and their families?
Because our work is governed by legislation, much communication is in writing. However, we also communicate via the telephone and in face-to-face meetings.
What training have your staff and/or volunteers received to support children and young people with SEND and their families?
We do not work directly with children and young people on a day-to-day basis. However, front-line staff have undertaken person-centred approach training.
What future plans does your service or activity have for developing its SEND provision, for example, training, facilities?
In light of the SEND Reforms it is important that all members of the SEN Team are aware of the changes and how they influence on our work. We undertake training as required. We also work with other services to give training to educational settings and other services